Our Streaming Networks on Shire:
- Cinematic Consisting of All genres: From Animation, Horror, Reality, Comedy, Dramedy, Thriller, Soap Operas & Novellas, Action, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Documentaries, Period Pieces, Adult, Series, Short Films, Feature Films, The Arts, News, and more. Shire Jukebox:… is a Network Consisting of Non-Shire Musical Artists & Non Shire Comedians & Cinematic Comedic Content.
- Shire Sports: College, Amateur, & Professional Sports.
- Shire Music: Shire Musical Artists, & Lighter Cinematic Programming.
- Shire Radio: Music, Sports, Simulcasts of Shire other Networks Programming, Podcasts, and more.
Individual Subscription prices for each Network, except Shire:
- $5.99 a month, for A single Network.
- 2 Networks $7.99 a month.
- All Networks, except Shire $9.99 a month.
The Network, Shire….$2.99, $5.99, or $9.99 for No Commercials within The Programming.
Non-Shire Musical Artists, Non-Shire Comedians & Non-Comedic Content if approved, to Air on Shire Jukebox is $6.99 a month.
Quality content format accepted are: Music Videos, Cinematic Comedy, Music Audio tracks with a Cover, Audio Comedy tracks with A Cover, Music Acoustic Tracks with A Cover, Music Comedy tracks & Audio Comedy tracks with A Cover.
To get Shire in a package, with all the other Networks cost $11.99 US dollars a month.
*Currency is equivalent globally for US Dollar